As far as security concern its a good deal to change the SSH port of your server, simply you need to follow the steps:
1) SSH to the server with root login
2) You need to make sure that the port you are going to assgin is opened at firwall (in case of CSF, APF):
4) You need to change the ssh port in sshd_config File
Uncommnet the line and replace the port and save the file
5) Now it needs to restart ssh service
Note : Dont close your current ssh seesion until you confirm that you are able to login to the server wtih new port in another ssh session.
1) SSH to the server with root login
2) You need to make sure that the port you are going to assgin is opened at firwall (in case of CSF, APF):
#pico /etc/csf/csf.conf
search for the line : TCP_IN
add the port
APF:3) Now save the changes .
#pico /etc/apf/apf.conf
search for the line : TCP_IN
add the port
4) You need to change the ssh port in sshd_config File
# pico /etc/ssh/sshd_configsearch for Port 22
Uncommnet the line and replace the port and save the file
5) Now it needs to restart ssh service
#/etc/init.d/sshd restart
Note : Dont close your current ssh seesion until you confirm that you are able to login to the server wtih new port in another ssh session.
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